Meanwood Valley Urban Farm is a City farm in Leeds established in 1980. The farm is sited on Meanwood Beck and occupies 16.5 acres (67,000 m2). The entrance is on Sugarwell Road, LS7 2QG. It demonstrates organic farming and sustainability to members of the public, and introduces schoolchildren to various aspects of farming and the environment. The animals farmed are Dexter cows, sheep (Whitefaced Woodland and Southdown), rabbits and hens. They also have two donkeys and some pigs.
In 1999 a timber frame building called the Epicentre was opened as a resource for the farm and the local community, with offices, exhibition and meeting rooms. It is an example of Walter Segal system of self-build construction which is environmentally friendly in its use of materials and energy. It is a low-energy building using the principle of solar gain. It has a turf roof and uses a reed bed drainage treatment system.